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Sunday, June 8, 2008

One more reason to shake your head ...

For more on our government's failure to provide basic due process rights to those held at Guantanamo Bay ...
These men were held indefinitely, essentially under a suspended writ of habeas corpus -- then the government denies them any access to prosecutorial information to defend themselves. But is this really surprising considering our current policies concerning torture and rendition?

This is an affront to our values, our legal system, and the American way. Anyone who believes in liberty should be appalled at this, yet another step on Bush II's road to a fascist state.

One assumes that the "detainees" (what a sanitized term ... call them kidnappees or prisoners) are only now getting a trial so that their judgments can be pronounced prior to W's exit from office. Let's hope their attorneys can delay the cases long enough for a new chief executive to change policy and end this travesty in a just manner. What would be just? A civilian criminal trial or a war crimes trial as provided under the Geneva Conventions.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither -- and lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin

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